It’s an algae oil farm, a dairy farm, vegetable truck farm, a power station, and a classroom! and it’s coming to Santa Fe! Integrated systems, jobs, and hands-on learning. As we seek security and resiliency in times of impending climate change crises, peak oil production, rising prices, dependency on foreign oil, and long distance supply chains, some innovative individuals think …
Gussing of the Southwest: Rising to the Challenge and Reaping the Benefits by Brian Skeele
Santa Fe could be the Gussing of the Southwest. Renewable energy, local jobs, and ecotourism, oh my! Wood gasifing operation. Today there are 27 decentralized power plants within the Güssing county, all powered by sustainable forest management. Gussing Austria has become one of the world’s living examples of a renewable energy community. Here’s how a little agricultural town of 4,000 …
Vibrant, Alive, Affordable + Living Lightly Locally= Sustainable Neighborhoods
5 Planets! How are we, the US of A, going to be a serious leader if our lifestyle requires 5 planets of resources?? How are we going to look our grandchildren in the eye and say with pride “All this is yours!”?? The good news is we are innovative. So, my fellow Americans, let’s roll up our sleeves and seize …
Earthship Village Design with Michael Reynolds by Brian Skeele
By Brian, on September 6th, 2011 Michael Reynolds points out how “Pockets of Freedom” are essential for innovation. His latest Earthship Village design redefines the neighborhood corner market. By connecting Earthships along a commons bike path/ food jungle, he integrates sewage treatment, water catchment, the growing of fruit and vegetables, fish and chickens all together in a year round tempered climate. … Water catchment, food production, …
Transitioning Santa Fe by Elizabeth Christine
By Brian, on September 6th, 2011 We are currently facing the end of what might be called The Age of Cheap Oil. This brief age has been the most exciting and innovative period in our human history as humans discovered thousands of ways to use fossil fuels to better our lives. The stored power within oil allows us to accomplish …