“The Santa Fe Higher Learning Center will be a boost to our community and our local economy. By increasing access to higher education we improve the quality of our workforce,” said Chris Abeyta, chair of the Learning Center District Board and of SFCC’s Governing Board. Students can earn a four-year degree without leaving Santa Fe, and at a price that …
Envisioning a Sustainable Urban Village: A Puzzle of 1000 Pieces by Brian Skeele
Sustainability is a Puzzle of 1000 Pieces. As we rearrange the pieces to design a Sustainable Urban Village (SUV), Green Fire Times quest associate editor Brian Skeele (yours truly) got to ask the paradigm shifting questions…What would make a SUV such a great place, you’d move in?! What are the best practices emerging in your field, and how can we rearrange these puzzle pieces for maximum affordability and beauty?… Some …